Wednesday, April 6, 2016

SJS 4: Africa's Gift to Europe

Source: Ankomah, Baffour. "Africa's Gift to Europe." New African 554 (2015): 71-77. 
     MasterFILE Premier. Web. 6 Apr. 2016. 

Authors credentials: Baffour Ankomah is a renowned African specialist who writes about the realities between developing Africa and Europe. He has written numerous articles on this relationship. He is an editor of the New Africa, a magazine, as the name implies, that seeks to provide real world insight of Africa.

Summary: Africa's Gift to Europe is an intriguing article that provides an expansive background into the Moorish Empire of Northwest Africa. It was, of course, responsible for establishing an Islamic Empire at the doorstep of Europe during the 15th century. The article compares the success of this black culture as having "put Southern Europe to the sword, conquered it, governed it, and brought it civilization." Not to be unmentioned, the Reconquista played a part in the article.

Analysis: While this may be an extreme view and bias to such subject, but it is important to realize the impact the Moors had on Europe. For a longtime, many historians have neglected to admit that the Moors were black, or the fact that they contributed to Europe's development. The article highlighted this gap in scholarly integrity.

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