Friday, April 29, 2016

PDP 6: Two Nations

PDP6: Two Nations
Author Bio: Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a leader of a Muslim minority in India in the 1930s. He was concerned that the Muslim ideals and culture would be overrun by the Hindu majority. Despite Ghani's reassurances that the Muslims would be represented in the independent India, Ghani still struggled to keep Jinnah in league with the Congress Party's ideas.
Date/Context: This article was written in the 1930s, during a time when India was close to becoming independent. During this time Ghandi, his followers, and the Congress Party called for a united federalization of India to be ready for when they were independent. Many British officials agreed with these ideas, however Muhammad Ali Jinnah did not.
Summary: The article discusses how Muhammad Ali Jinnah does not believe that Muslims and Hindus can coexist peacefully in the same country. He believes that the Muslims should seperate from India and create their own country. He says that this is because the two religions are to different to run a country together and that they are a part of two seperate civilizations with two seperate cultures and beliefs. They do not intermarry and often believe the hero of one group to be their enemy. Because of these differences Jinnah believes that a United India with both groups would not work.
Key Quotation: "Undoubtably the differences between the Hindus and Muslims are not of religion in the strict sense of the word but also of law and culture, that they may be said, indeed, to represent two entirely distinct and seperate civilizations".

1 comment:

  1. Defining characteristics: Overall, summary of the article was indeed concise. You promptly discussed what Muhammad Ali Jinnah stood for. In addition, you you gave a concise biography of who exactly Muhammad Ali Jinnah was and his impact on the history of India. Lastly, your key quotation reiterates that Jinnah believed the Muslims and Hindus would never be able to live in harmony within India because of their extreme cultural differences.
    Constructive Feedback: Even though your summary was concise, it would be beneficial to add some more details that were picked up from the article. Furthermore, expanding on the context would allow readers to understand how Jinnah influenced people to his ideas. Lastly, I believe that Mark A Kishlansky is the actual author of this article, therefore a misunderstanding must have occurred somewhere during your reading.
    Overall, your PDP is concise, just make sure to correct who the author actually is and perhaps add some details to the summary.


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