Wednesday, March 16, 2016

SJS3: Syrian Kurds 'preparing to declare self-administration'

"Syrian Kurds 'Preparing to Declare Self-administration.'" Al Jazeera English. N.p., 16 Mar. 2016. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.


Northern Kurdish controlled areas of Syria are announcing to declare “a federal system imminently”. This will contribute to Turkey’s already boiling anger towards the Kurds. A former leader of the PYD (Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party) shows reporters of a federalism framework for the new Kurdish self-administration under the belief the “Federalism should be the future not only for northern Syria or the Kurdish regions but for Syria in general, because under federalism democracy and equality will be guaranteed”. Turkey has blocked the PYD from attending the Geneva peace talks because Turkey recognizes the PYD as a branch of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party). After announcing the newly forming self-administration, the Syrian regime (Bashar al-Assad and co.), say that “no political decisions will be "imposed" on the country”. This declaration of self-administration is because of the withdrawal of Russia from Syria, granting the Kurd’s, less risk than before.

The Syrian regime and the Turks refuse to recognize this newly forming self-administration under the Kurds. The Russians are withdrawing making this “Kurdish dream” possible. Will this lead to a new Middle Eastern state in the Northern part of Syria or will the Turks and Syrian regime  prevent this declaration?

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