Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SJS2: Food and the Transformation of Africa

Citation: Dryden, Sam, and Kofi Anna. “Food and the Transformation of Africa.” Foreign Affairs 94.6 (2015): 124-29. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.

Author: There are two authors of this journal. One is Kofi Anna. Kofi Annan is a Ghanian diplomat and was the seventh Secretary General of the United Nations. He was a co-recipient with the United Nations of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize. He is the chairman of the Kofi Annan Foundation and of the Elders. Kofi Annan was in many humanitarian tasks and won several awards. The other author is Sam Dryden. Sam Dryden is a leader in food nutrition and security, especially of smallholders in Africa and Asia. He worked on projects to promote technology in order to improve the agriculture system across Africa. He also led Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Agricultural Development Strategy.

Summary: This journal was bout how agriculture is very important to the cultures in Africa, however it also talks about how agriculture needs to be improved in order to benefit Africa more. By improving the agricultural system in Africa it could prevent starvation, disease, poverty, and malnutrition. Not only will it prevent these things, but it will also create jobs and improve the economy of Africa. The author of this journal stats that are five elements of improving the agriculture system. The first is valuing the smallholder farmer who is making the food because they are feeding the people in Africa. The second is empowering women because they are a major part of the agricultural workforce. The third is to focus on the quality of food because this helps to keep the people of Africa healthy and not starving. The fourth is create a rural economy that thrives because then farmers can afford the necessary materials needed in order to grow and make food. The last component is to protect the environment because the environment is the foundation of agriculture. The author of the journal also talks about how the growing of technology helps improve the agricultural systems of Africa. The technology allows for communication and collaboration between the shareholders in Africa. The journal also states that instead of agriculture representing backwardness of Africa it would represent social and economic development.

Analysis: Kofi Annan and Sam Dryden offer very strong arguments about how improving agriculture in Africa can show development instead of poverty. They talk about how agriculture can provide jobs or businesses for people so they can make money, and not end up being stuck in poverty. The authors use evidence to show that more modern technology can help better the improvement of agriculture. This shows that Africa is not that far behind in terms of technology because they do have communication lines. They also show social development because this would give the women more power in jobs, which indicate that Africa is becoming more gender equal. The authors also show development in Africa by providing evidence on how the agricultural system could show Africa as not backward and not poor.  I feel this source is reliable because it is a scholarly journal from a database and the credentials of the authors.

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